Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A Word on Corporal Punishment

I had originally included this in the Elsa section, but took it out because it didn't define her character. It was a significant moment for me, and thus I'm including it, but it isn't central to who Elsa is.

One morning, at breakfast, the second week I was there, the family was talking about discipline policy in Oaxaca primary and secondary schools. Elsa said they permit corporal punishment. This surprised me. A minute later she took out a small, thin belt and started spanking Camilla at the kitchen table. This surprised me a good deal more. The second time she hit wasn’t as shocking, but it was scary to watch Jonathan go into the other room – where you could hear the spanking.

I certainly disagree with this type of punishment, but I wouldn’t call it abusive. For a number of reasons: the hitting isn’t that often, that long, or that hard. And it’s usually the result of lying or some insubordination. And the kids are remarkably well-adjusted despite/because of it. Thus, I don’t think you can condemn her for it.

That didn
't make it any less unsettling when it happened.


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