Cosas Chulas Sobre Esquipulas (Awesome Things About Esquipulas)

-- Bucket bathing. More specifically, the rush you feel when you dump a bucket of water down your whole body. (As opposed to the dull spray you get from a showerhead.)
-- The fascination people have with trabalenguas (tongue twisters). So far I've got down this really long Spanish version of Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers and this native Oaxacan tongue twister, Paranguaricutidimicuaro.
-- The fascination my family has with my corpse-like hands. Each morning, Camilla and Moises take turns poking my palm to watch it turn red, white, and purple. I return the favor by freezing the back of their necks when they least expect it. They call a truce by lighting a match. (My hands often aren't functional enough for me to do it on my own). This match allows me to light the stove, which I rub my hands over until the regain color.

-- The fact that people think I made a personalized Oaxaca dodgeball t-shirt before I came because my TDX dodgeball t-shirt has a large OAX symbol.
-- Señora Hela's toilet paper. Which boasts that it is "mas suave y mas blanco" (more smooth and more white). I know I wouldn't go near a beige or off-white brand, double-ply or not.
-- Señora Hela's sense of occasion. She puts on a toilet seat when company comes...and takes it off when they leave!
-- The view of the mountains on the way to Tequio. (Tequio is the gorgeous 5k nature preserve my parter, Henry, and I walk/run through 2/3 times a week). People had said beforehand that Oaxaca w

As it turned out, their representation was

If I'm being fair, there is a fair amount of litter on most streets, and certain areas have an unpleasant odor, but overall, it would not be condescending to describe the area as attractive.
-- Having to think about what it'll be like back in the US when the bread isn't coated with sugar (Pan Dulce).

-- Having to wait a full week until my supervisor comes to have crunchy tostadas soaked in a warm tomato puree (Chili Quile).
-- Learning to like coffee. Liking carne de res clayudas immediately.
-- The way you can like any possible food you're given. If you're not a huge fan, just envelop it in a tortilla and you can barely taste the difference.
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